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  • We are proud to serve TrueScripts patients and we are excited to welcome you to the Care-Fill LTC family!

    How Our Program Works

    We will contact you twice a month or every 90 days depending on your fill. Our first call or text will be approximately 7 days prior to your refill date to verify if there has been any changes to your mail order package. The second will be from our delivery department for payment and tracking information.

    Our mailing service is free. You are only responsible for your copays or the cost of additional over the counter medications, supplements or pharmacy items.

    Payment Options

    For your convenience, we can bill your credit or debit card once we confirm delivery for your shipment.


    Our refrigerated packages are delivered in a temperature controlled, insulted packaging to ensure your items arrive on time and at the proper temperature. Prior to shipment, we will need to confirm someone will be able to receive the package in a timely manner before any refrigerated packages may be shipped.

    Please fill out the following form and a staff member will get a hold of you to finish your set up.

    If you have any questions, please call 844-522-2273 9am to 5pm EST.